Tuesday November 10th

Escrow Agreement

* The escrow agreement was approved by all members at the meeting.


Liability Release Forms

* The guest liability release form was accepted by all member at the meeting.

* Minor revisions need to be made to the member liability release form before it can be accepted.

* Tom will follow up with the lawyer and get the appropriate changes made to the member release form.


Member Agreement

* The draft member agreement was reviewed and several suggestions for improvement were made.

* Sean will be making the required changes to the member agreement for next meeting.

* The final draft of the member agreement will be reviewed at next weeks meeting.


Website Updates

* Randy’s suggestions for the website were reviewed.

* Royce has agreed to have the website changes ready by next weeks meeting.


Business Cards

* The business cards that Royce ordered last week have not been delivered yet.

* We are hoping to have the business cards for next weeks meeting.


Action Items

* Tom wll print a few example flyers and bring them to next weeks meeting for the group to review.

* Sean will update the member agreement with the suggested changes.

* Royce will work on converting all documents to PDF(bylaws, member agreement, escrow agreement, and liability waivers).

* Royce will start adding blogs to the Milwaukee Makerspace website.

* Royce will update the main page on the website.

* We are hoping to have all of the legal documents finished by next weeks meeting, so we can begin accepting founding members!