Tuesday October 19th

There were a total of 5 member at the meeting.


Some of the owners of the potential rental space do not like the price of $650/month that is in the original lease. Tom talked to Bryce last week and offered to up the price to $750/month. Royce will contact the landlord tomorrow to try and renegotiate the lease.


We need to change the member agreement to allow guests of ages 10 and over into the space. There were not enough people at the meeting to vote on the change. We will need to vote on this at a different meeting.


Royce removed our facbook group. We now only have a facebook page. Our official facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/mkemakerspace. If you haven’t already done please “like” our facebook page.


Rich has agreed to build the wall once we get the space rented.

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