Tuesday September 28th

 We are very close to signing the lease on the space in Bayview. We are hoping to sign the lease next week.

Jason Gessner is our newest founding member. We now have a total of 11 founding members. We are still accepting founding members. We stop accepting founding member when the lease is signed.

Founding members should send a short bio to Royce Pipkins.

Several members will be attending Barcamp Milwaukee this weekend on Saturday October 2 and Sunday October 3. Royce will be giving presentations on Arduino and DipTrace on Saturday. Tom and Ben will be giving a presentation about electric cars on Sunday.

Several member are interested in visiting the Madison Hackspace Sector67.

Ideas For New Space:

  • Teach classes
  • Have guest speakers at the space.
  • Rent small parts of the space for project storage to get extra cash.


We came up with a task list of things that need to be done to get the space ready after it is leased. I have created a collaboration page here http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?q=node/463. Feel free to add to this page.

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