Tuesday December 14th 2010

10 members attended the meeting. 


We still do not have Internet. We would still like to share the Internet connection with the landlord. Royce will follow up with the landlord to see if we can get the connection setup.

Door Signs

Tom Gondek is working on the door signs. He has all of the raw materials that he needs to make the signs.

Google Apps

Jason needs a list of member so he can create all of the Google Apps accounts. Royce will provide a list of members to Jason.

Party Organizing

The space opening party will be on Sunday January 2nd starting at 1pm and will go until about 7pm. The food and live music will start at 5pm.

Power Tool Training

We don’t have any official times or schedules setup right now. If people are interested in being trained in specific tools or machines they should post to the mailing list. When enough people are interested we will told a training session.Brant has offered to make training videos.

Membership Nominations

Tom Gondek, Adam Cohen, and Matt Gauger are now members. Our total member count is now at 16.


We will meet at the space this Saturday December 18th at 10:00am to organize and sort all of the equipment that has been moved into the space. Everyone is welcome to join.

All members at the meeting voted in favor of giving Royce’s father in law a free one month membership for helping us install all of the electrical in our space.

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