Tuesday February 15th, 2011

12 members and 4 guest attended the meeting.

PR Stuff
* We reviewed Michael’s new website layout. Everyone at the meeting seemed interested in the new layout. After Michael makes some minor adjustments to the layout we would like to get our website redesigned soon.
* Michael presented another draft press release to the group.
* Jason has a contact at Fox 6 news. We might be able to have them shoot some video at out space.
* Jason has a contact with Moth Robot(http://www.rothmobot.com) that would like to have a circuit bending class at the makerspace sometime. This will probably be scheduled for sometime after the grand opening.

Everyone had a chance to talk about their projects. There is what people at working on ….
* Royce is working on getting the access control system working with an Ubuntu Linux server.
* Kevin is working on a flame throwing acoustic tube and a jacobs ladder.
* Ron is working on building his own CNC machine.
* Adam is working on learning to program PIC micro controllers.
* Jason is working on his photo booth Xbox 360 Kinect project.
* Brant is working on getting our camera systems setup with Zone Minder.

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