Tuesday February 22nd 2011

There were 10 members and 2 guest at the meeting.

* Ron is in charge of designing and purchasing stickers. The stickers will have our logo and a QR code on them.
* Members at the meeting donated money to fund the sticker purchase.
* In the future we might want to get some stickers that say “property of MMS”. These would used to label tools and equipment that the makerspace owns.

* We need a poster for our grand opening party.
* David has volunteered to design the posters.
* The posters should have the date and time of the party, our logo, our address, and the event schedule. We still to to finalize the event schedule.

Grand Opening
* We need finished projects at the grand opening.
* We need more t-shirts made before the grand opening.
* Ideas for the event:
– Powers Wheels race
– Stump the makers
– Make keychains on the CNC
– Soldering station
– equipment demos(all day)
– Biodisel demo
– Jacobs ladder
– Junk Sculpture
– Makerspace cookies or QR code cookies
– Kinect photo booth
– Make somthing from out junk/hack pile
– embroidery machine demo
– possible music project

* Michael is still working on the new website layout.
* Matt has volunteered to get the the website migrated over to Ross’s FreeBSD server. Once he has the website migrated he will be redesigning the site.

Wood Working Show
* Ron went to the working show.
* There is a local wood working club in the Milwaukee area. They meet the first Thursday of the month.
* Some of us should go to one of their meetings. We are thinking the April meeting would be a good one to go to.

Safety Reminders
* All guests need to sign the guest liability waiver. The waivers are located in the library.
* We need safety posters for the heavy equipment.
* Matt has volunteered to gather the safety information for the mill.
* We would like to make one safety poster a week until they are all done.

* Swee will be hosting at biodiesel event at the makerspace at March 19th from 1:30pm to 4:00pm.
* Registration is required. See www.greendieselwisconsin.org for more details.

* Stan Miller from the Journal Sentinel will be visiting on Saturday February 26th at 11am. Members are encouraged to be there to show off completed projects and work on existing projects.
* We need a press release written for next week.

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