Meeting Attendance
A total of 14 members and 15 guests attended the meeting.
Grand Opening/Mini Maker Fair Recap
- This will be an annual event.
- Plan further ahead and get other hackerspaces more involved.
- Possibly partner with discover world.
- We need a blog post to recap the event.
- Royce will write a thank you to WPR and the Journal Sentinel.
- Tom will write a thank you to Greenfield News and Hobby.
- Brent will write a thank you to American Science and surplus.
- The advertising was good.
- Everyone was very friendly and welcoming.
- Was crowded
- Need more strict maker fair expo hours
- Too early in the year. Possibly have it in May next year.
- The soldering class took too long. Next year it should be all day and have time slots to sign up for.
Community Collaboration
Milwaukee Art Museum
- Janet Gourley from the Milwaukee Art museum stopped by the grand opening and was interested in collaborating with the makerspace in the future.
- Brent and Jackie will contact Janet Gourley at the Milwaukee art museum to coordinate.
Present Music
- Kevin was contacted by someone with the Present Music group that was interested in collaborating with the makerspace
- Kevin will coordinate this collaboration
- This would be in March of 2012
Career Day at Elementary School in West Allis
No one in the group has interest in this.
The robotics club will meet the third Saturday of the month starting in April. The electric car club will meet the first Sunday of the month starting in May. Jason suggested that these events be posted on the MAKE Magazine calendar.
Fox News Interview
Tom, Michael, Jason and Swee will be at the makerspace at 8:15am this Thursday for an interview with Fox 6 news.
- It was suggested that some members volunteer to teach mini classes at Thursday night electronics night.
- Royce mentioned he would like us to purchase a set of descent soldering irons. Brent will investigate if American Science and Surplus will donate them to us or give us deal on them,
- We should add American Science and Surplus and Greenfield News to hobby to the sponsors section of the website.
- Several members expressed interest in participating in this years South Shore Frolics Parade.
Member Nominations
Two new members were nominated and accepted. This brings our member total to 23.
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