Tuesday April 19th, 2011

A total of 10 members ad 3 guests attened this meeting.


Milwaukee Makerspace Informational Pamphlet

We need a member informtional pamphlet. Jason Gessner will create a collaboration page on the website to start gathering ideas for the member informational pamphlet. The collaboraton page should be up by the end of the week.


Shop Donations

We need an updated sign for shop donations. The sign should have a list of shop consumables and recommened dollars amounts for each item. 


New Posters

We need new posters. We need someone to design a new poster.



Someone suggested we team up with Discovery World to do an electronic recycling event. We could have a Milwaukee Makerspace demo at the event.


We need new business cards. Someone had the idea of teaching a once a month class at Discovery World.



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