Make: Live – Exclusive Behind the Scenes Photos!

So last night Milwaukee Makerspace was honored with the opportunity to participate in a Make: Live Makerspace Road show! It was a great experience being able to see the other spaces as well as participate. The show can be enjoyed below

However, seeing just what was in front of the camera doesn’t tell the whole story! Here are some exclusive behind the scenes photos of all the action you didn’t see! You aren’t going to find this stuff anywhere else!

Matt, Sean, & Jason figure out what they are going to do when the camera comes by!


Practice makes perfect!


Kevin warms up the Power Wheels Racer for Jason. He breaks the laws of physics and time in the process. That’s normal for Kevin.


Jason waits for his big moment, while refreshing himself with a local product.


The Makers sit quietly and enjoy the rest of the program in reverent scilence.


There you have it! Contnet you just can’t find anywhere else! Hope you enjoyed it!


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