Tuesday June 28th, 2011

Greater Milwaukee Committee

* The GMC is interested in having creative groups/businesses similar to us rent out parts of the Grand Avenue Mall.

* The GMC is interested in partnering with the Milwaukee Makerspace in some way.

* Adam will be attending a meeting with the GMC on Wednesday(tomorrow) to find out more information.

Power Wheels Race at Kansas City Mini Maker Fair

* Royce and Tom participated in the Power Racing Series at Maker Fair Kansas City.

* Tom did not finish any races and still maintains his record of never finishing a race.

* Royce took second in the endurance race.

* Sector67 from Madison is in first place for the 2011 season after the Kansas City event.

Maker Fair Detroit Plans

* Several members are planning on going to Maker Fair Detroit on July 29th to the 31st.

* We will have 4 entries in the Power Racing Series..

* James Carlson from Bucket Works will be hosting “Space Camp” and offered to give us an exhibit space to show off the Milwaukee Makerspace.

South Shore Frolics Parade Updates

* Tom has the motor controllers for the pots of gold. He will be installing the new controllers on Thursday.

* Rich’s trailer is here and ready for decorating.

* We are thinking of having a cook out after the parade.


* Riminder: Please lock all of the doors when you leave the makerspace.

* The $40 a month membership is available, but has not been offically posted on the website.

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