November 1st Meeting Minutes

A total of 18 members were present, 3 joined via Google Hangout, and 5 guests attended the meeting.  At least three guests expressed interest in becoming a member that night.

Guest Introductions

After welcoming everyone, some guests went on a tour of the space while other members continued with the meeting.

Second DIY CNC Day – November 6th

Black Friday Hack-A-Thon – November 25th

Ideas for items to make were shared with the group.  Pete noted he has found some pieces to be made on the CNC router and Royce noted the tie-pin boards are on order.

Contacts and Promotion

Adam plans to drop some posters off with MSOE’s Studer Activities Office and Jason plans to speak with his contact at Marquette.  Royce mentioned he visited UWM’s Art and Technology Group last week.

Welding Equipment

Tom has some Hobart welders he plans to bring to the space and convert at least one to TIG welding for aluminum.

Space Clean-Up Day – Last Sunday of the Month

Kevin suggested we either move the day or schedule it later on Sunday to allow for more people to attend.  The group agreed and plans to meet next on November 27th at 1:00 PM.  Tom emphasized that the Clean-Up Day was always meant to be a Clean-Up and Cook-Out Day and we will plan to cook out next time.  Brant and Royce also plan to meet and salvage some of the lists and pages from the old website.  The Clean-Up Task List and Vendor List were among the most important.

New Video Ideas

David proposed doing a series of interviews with members and several people were interested.  Jason also mentioned that he would like to produce some quick “Meet the Maker” segments.


Ron and others pointed out that some pallets on the top of the pallet racks are difficult to reach safely with the forklift.  It was suggested that members with pallets on the lower racks or floor relocate their work or ensure the pallets are shelved as far back as they can be.

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