A Visit from MakerBot

MakerBot Industries

Milwaukee Makerspace Members, mark your calendars for the evening of Monday, June 25th, 2012 as we welcome the fine folks from MakerBot Industries to the space. They’ll be here to show off their Replicator and talk about 3D printing. (Rumor has it they may even provide us with some food & drink!)

MakerBot is one of the original names in affordable 3D printers. (They even got their start at a hackerspace.) They also brought us Thingiverse, which provides “digital designs for real, physical objects”, produce the awesome MakerBot TV, and kick out some great blog posts as well.

If you’re not a member, you can still attend the meeting. Besides seeing what MakerBot has to show you, we’d love to give you a tour of our space and have you meet our members. Just stop by around 7pm, the door will be open. :)

8 Responses to A Visit from MakerBot

  1. Pingback: MakerBot Visit To Wisconsin, June 25 & 26 | 3D Printing Camp Wisconsin

  2. Pingback: MakerBot Brings the Awesome! | Milwaukee Makerspace

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