Merry Christmas Maker Space!

A few weeks back, at a Tuesday night meeting, a topic was brought up about projects that needed to be done for the Milwaukee Makerspace (MMS). Things like general cleaning, sorting the trash for cash recycling box, machine wiring and putting windows in the doors leading out of the main meeting room to the shop. What a great gift this would be, for the members that complete these tasks to the MMS as a whole.

After a meeting, one night, I didn’t have anything I really needed to work on so I took a project that was a little out of my comfort zone. I put a small window, in the door leading from the lobby/ greeting area by the laser room to the East warehouse. I say it is out of my comfort zone because it deals with wood products and I’m a metal guy. Put me in front of a mill or lathe and I feel right at home, but wood is not my strong suit. I’m still picking slivers out of my fingers and palms, that stuff is nasty! Well the first window went in so well that when I was back at the space the following Sunday I put another window in the door leading out of the main meeting room to the wash sink room by the alley door entrance.


So why give a gift to the MMS you ask?

To me, the MMS is more than a place to find a machine to use that I do not have any other access to for the low, low price of $40.00 a month. Sure you could just pay your money and work on your projects, maybe complain that a specific tool was not working when you needed it or you had to clean a spot to work on your project before you can even begin to work on your own stuff (that really burns my butt when it happens to me!) but there is a lot that happens at the MMS that most members don’t even realize. The affordable price of $40.00 a month does not allow for the MMS to pay a cleaning service to vacuum the rugs, clean the bathrooms, sweep the shop floors or do regular and preventive maintenance to the environment.

The value of the MMS is worth more than the bargain price of $40.00 a month to me. To me, MMS is a place I can go to and, yes use a machine that I do not have any other access to. I can also learn new skills and pick up positive energy from like-minded people. Seeing things made on machines that, before coming to MMS thought, you needed years of training to use I.E. (laser cutter, and 3D printers). The basic skills for some of the processes, only take a few minutes or a few hours to learn.


You will find that in any organization there is a, 80/20 rule, 80% of the needed work is done by 20% of the members. I would rather be in the 20% minority and help build a place for others to enjoy then be in the majority and only work on what benefits me alone.

I love giving back to MMS. It allows me to do and be a part of so much, so Merry Christmas Milwaukee Makerspace!

I can hardly wait for the next holiday to come along so I can give even more gifts to MMS.


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