You’re Invited!!

Greetings Makers, My name is Fred Mitchell and I’m on the South Milwaukee Parade Committee. The Parade is Saturday July 28th, 2018 at 11 am. I’m inviting any and all who would like to take part. Esteemed members of Dalek Asylum Milwaukee are in. Colleen (even though she’s going to Maker Faire Detroit) is having some of her Cosplay on a trailer in the Parade. Small objects you made won’t really be easily seen from the sidewalks, but your Robot, or large art display or your favorite Cosplay outfit will. Did you make that really cool thing that nobody sees and deserves attention in a Parade? Let me know. How about the excellent costume that you only wear once a year? Let’s make it twice. Just want to be part of the fun? I’ll find something for you. I’m also looking for a Phone Booth by the 4th of July and a human skeleton by July 28th. I’ll pay to rent those. (A little.) Talk soon! Fred

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