Tool Design Challenge

Ever see a YouTube video of someone making something and have an immediate need to make one for your-self?  Happens to me all the time.  Last week I saw this video from creator Steven Bennett.  In it he designs and builds a fume extractor designed to look like a Makita power tool.

It seamed like a fun design exercise and I have been doing a lot of soldering at home any way.  I choose to make my fume extractor in the style of Milwaukee Tool for obvious reasons.  This is not my first project that adopts the over molding look of a red and black power tool.  SO it was also a good opportunity to have another go at DIY over molding using resin printed molds.  Resin is the way to go here for a couple reasons.  First the material come in clear, this means that when filling the mold it is easy to see when and where it is filling up.  Second, no sanding is necessary on the interior of the mold.


I am using a Smooth-On urethane rubber colored with black pigment.  On a side note the inside of the mold needs a heavy coat of mold release if you want to remove it with the part intact.  I may or may not have learned that the hard way.   The mold shells are held on with some clamps and then the edges are sealed with modeling clay.  After the urethane is mixed it can be injected with a small syringe into a hole in the mold shell.

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