Well, after working on it today, Tom finally got his powerwheels…powered!
Author Archives: michael
Start of a rapid prototyper build
I’ve been loosely following the RepRap project (reprap.org) for a while, but it wasn’t until the second generation of the design was released that I really got the itch to build one for myself. RepRap is a project to build low cost FDM based rapid prototypers capable of making most of their own parts. As such, for a ‘proper’ RepRap, you need to have gotten the rapid prototyped parts from someone else to build your own unit. But what fun is that?
With a perfectly decent mill and lathe at my disposal, I should be able to build a nice sturdy machine, and starting with the vertex pieces that form the frame seemed like a good place to begin construction. The full story is at my blog here: http://haveblue.org/?p=304