Tuesday March 29th

12 members and 2 guests attended the meeting.

Grand Opening
* Jason will have his Kinnect photo booth ready for the event.
* We have posters at American Science and Surplus and Greenfield News and Hobby.
* Brant has sent invitations to other hacker/maker spaces.
* The pig roast will be ready at 6pm.
* Uncle Larry the band will play at 7:30pm.
* Brant will coordinate the sign making for the event.
* Visitors should park in the fenced in parking area.
* Michael has volunteered to get a guest registration book.
* Michael has volunteered to create a “how to join” flyer for the event.
* We need more tables.
* Tom will bring in a jug for donations.
* Brant will setup “do not touch” signs on heavy equipment.

Event Organizers
* Power Wheels Race — Tom
* Stump the Makers — Rich
* Biodiesel Demo — Swee
* Makerbot Demo — Adam
* Circuit Board Etching — Royce
* Learn to Solder — Royce
* Live Music — Sean
* Hand Made Music — Ross, Kevin, Matt
* Kinnect Photo Booth — Chris

Fox 6 News interview
* Fox 6 interview live at 9:00am on 4/7.

The Great Milwaukee Race
* Jason Gessner mentioned that the Great Milwaukee Race will be on June 18th from 9am to 1pm.
* Jason is interested in organizing a makerspace booth for the event.
* Anyone one is interested should contact Jason Gessner.

Tuesday March 15th

11 members and 4 guests attended the meeting.

Grand Opening Posters
* We selected poster #1 to be printed.
* Chris H. will have the medium sized posters printed (11×17).
* Tom will have the large posters printed.

* The new batch of T-shirts have arrived.

Tuesday April 5th

5 guests and 13 member attended the meeting.

Party Preparations
* We need more tables.
* Ross, and Pete have a PA and some microphones. Sean will see if we can use the bands PA system.
* Brent volunteered to shoot some video with one a David’s extra cameras.
* We will have one donation bucket at the event.
* Michael will be setting up an Internet portal to the TC Maker mini-maker fair. Tom will bring in a window that can be used for this.
* We need to cover up the landlords junk with tarps for the event.
* Michael will be bringing in microscopes that will be on display for the event.
* Send project information to Michael. He will get posters print for projects that will be on display.
* We need more coolers for the event.
* Clean up and organizing will happen on Thursday and Friday night. Everyone is welcome to help.

Membership Flyers
* Michael will get membership flyers printed for the event
* They should include the following ….
* now accepting members.
* monthly fee
* security deposit
* must be nominated
* it’s a club