Will it go round in circles….

What do you do when you need pictures of a 300lb power wheels car from multiple angles so that someone can create a 3D model?

You build a turn table, a rather big turn table.

But what if I don’t have a really big bearing, you ask.

Well, you use a bunch of little ones – preferably in casters!

This is a metal base with 4 casters from some old equipment that was trash, I drilled a hole in the center and welded a 1/2″ nut to the bottom.





Take 4×4 sheet of plywood, drill a hole in the center.  Just because its a quick and dirty project I put a 1/4″ thick washer under the board and figured the weight of the rig would hold it in place





Put it all together and you have a turn table that can support the Little Pink Trike and we are ready for the photo shoot!












Spinning Little Pink Trike Video on Flickr




Library of Images of the Little Pink Trike on Flickr




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