Tuesday March 23rd

 We discussed various group project ideas.


  1. Balloons into space with digital camera and homing glider.
  2. Mechanical frog jumping contest.
  3. The 24 Lemon Race is too cost prohibitive unless we get a sponsor.
  4. 10 foot snowman parade float.
  5. Earth Day doing something useful a a garbage can of trash.
  6. 4th of July Electronic LED fireworks.
  7. Toast Tossing Contest.
  8. 50 foot tall Jacob’s ladder for 4th of July.
  9. Turn a blender into a helicopter.
  10. Ridiculously large CNC machine.

Tuesday March 30th

 There were a total of 6 people at the meeting. We discussed various group project ideas. All people present at the meeting decided that the next project will be the Power Racing Series at the Detroit Maker Faire(http://www.powerracingseries.org). We also discussed new ideas for revenue.


Revenue Ideas

  1. Allow people to pay founders fee in installments.
  2. Teach classes to the public.

Power Racing Series Ideas

We will participate in the Power Racing Series at Maker Faire Detroit on July 31. We are looking for cheap power wheels toy cars(under $100) on Craig’s List and Ebay. Lance Lamont will be the single point of contact for all Craig’s List purchases. We would ideally like to have a pre-race before July hosted somewhere in the Milwaukee area(maybe American Science and Surplus). Here are the initial build ideas we have for the car.

  1. PVC roll cage.
  2. Add some sort of suspension.
  3. Use hub motors to make it 4 wheel drive
  4. Have a mountable video camera.
  5. Oil slick and smoke screen.

Other Group Project Ideas

  1. Milwaukee Power Down Week
    1. http://www.suraforchange.com/2010/02/03/power-down-week-save-the-date-sa…
    2. Bicycle Generator
    3. Solar Oven
    4. Solar Steam Generator
    5. Bicycle Margarita Mixer
  2. High altitude glider/torpedo over Lake Michigan possibly at discovery world
  3. Solar Powered Brewery
  4. Solar Powered Fridge
  5. Solar Powered Beer Cooler
  6. Pendulum Powered Bike

Tuesday March 16th

There were a total of 6 people at the meeting. The pot-of-gold parade floats were a success in Milwaukee St. Patrick’s day parade. There were many new group project ideas discussed at this meeting. Below is a list of the ideas that were discussed.  Please add other ideas to the ‘Group Project Ideas’ collaboration page.


  • 10 Foot Tall Walking Parade Float
    • 6 legged walking turducken
    • Walking  millipede
    • turkey with an electric vehicle coming out of this ass
  • Invisible Reindeer or Dog Sledge Parade Float
  • Carnival Game Float
    • Spectators would shoot at targets on the float to win a prize
  • Enter Electric Car in ’24 Hour LeMons’ Race.
  • Make a CNC Machine
  • Make Milwaukee Maker Space T-Shirts